1) Mission Accomplished: round trip train tickets to Penn Station booked.
2) At the Athenaeum I returned The Apparitionist, a book (overdue) about the spirit photographs of the mid-19th century which I just could not get into, and checked out No Boston Olympics, which so far is proving to be much more interesting.
2a) In the reading room I realized The Economist was not exactly compelling my attention for a change.
3) Lunch at the bar at Carrie Nation, looked after by handsome Nima.
4) And all this time the season's first snow is slowly, gently coming down. I walked through the Common and the Public Garden observing the passing show and trying not to be too anxious about slipping in sneakers. #aging
5) I forget who it was who said of making George Cukor's A Star Is Born "We darn near made a black and white picture in color," but that's how I feel about this photo.
6) Popped into the GHM after last night's Repeal Day, and so impressed with how the dining room was beautifully prepared.
7) After grocery shopping and a NAP, an early tea in the parlor, contrasting the yellow lamplight with the graying evening atmosphere enveloping our first snowfall.