Monday Morning, October 5

1) Mental clarity, divine insight, a shift in consciousness - whatever you want to call it - comes when it’s unexpected, sometimes unwanted. But for it to have an effect, the mind has to be quiet enough to receive it; your personal radio has to be set to the correct frequency. Yesterday morning it happened to me in the hour before getting out of bed, when I half-knew I was awake, definitely knew I would not get back to sleep, but too warm and comfortable to care. And then it came, the sudden arrival of unhappy knowledge about how I’m handling a particular situation and the need for immediate change. So powerful it tied me up in knots all day.

2) Which might explain why I slept like the Rock of Ages last night - just worn out by my own mental energy.

3) Receiving insight like this is a little bit like the stages of grief. Instead of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, I have realization, horror, anger, depression, resolution. The receipt of insight is the negation of denial. Now I have to move past all this to action.