1) As indicated yesterday on ye Fycebykke, the neighborhood had a Big Blow yesterday morning, bringing down yet another tree on the property line, the second this year. Happily, the back fence neighbors had scheduled an appointment with an arborist for late in the morning! Result: the tree at the center of the shared property line will come down entirely at the end of the month, and today’s broken tree at the same time.
Chez moi. Freshly broken tree at left, remains of spring’s felled tree at right.
1a) Additional pruning on other trees in the garden, including our enormous redbud tree, will wait until spring.
2) After all that weather in the morning, the afternoon offered perfect weather — which of course brought me to the cemetery. Limbs large and small could be found scattered throughout my favorite section, what I call the Back Forty, sections 19-31 on the map.
Notice that his name is spelled in ALL CAPS, perhaps his family’s way of saying they’d have enough of his pretensions?
3) Yesterday’s walk also seemed a good time to ferret out the grave of e.e. cummings, one of the more famous residents. It took much more time that expected, in part since his grave is marked only by a small flat plaque on the ground. Admirers had ringed it with rocks, making it the perfect container for falling leaves. In addition, his grave is set almost against a wall of hill. My first clue that I was in the right place was spotting from above a flat plaque with Cummings on it. But it turned out to be someone else - perhaps his sister?
3a) If you decide to go search for it (and I’m not with you), you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble by looking for a very large granite block lettered CLARKE. The poet’s grave is to the left.