1) Stepping out of the house this morning, the spring weather was just like I wish I was in my daily life: cool and calm, but sunny. Whereas I'm usually variable but prone to clouds and the occasional storm.
2) Peripatetic network outages at the office today led to redirecting my energies to cleaning up my office and generally being flexible about rescheduling meetings. Because what else can you do?
3) And, being flexible about leaving the office, which turned out to be a GREAT thing because one of my volunteers who I'd been trying to reach was on the bus! She and I got some good business done.
BONUS (in every way): En route home I stopped at the Gahdnah Museum for the fabled Fra Angelico exhibition, and I was transfixed. Or I would have been, were it not for the crowds. The remarkable individuality of every face, the varied treatment of gold leaf, the angels who never wore white but pastels or black spangled with gold . . . WOW. The Corsini Triptych below was the first work I saw in the exhibition, and I found it fascinating.
The Corsini Triptych: The Ascension, Last Judgment, and Pentecost. (Not my photo!)