1) Y'know, I just had that Great Big Cold at the start of December, and that was gonna be it for this season. Now here I am on day four of the Next Big Cold and, just like the last time, I am too busy for this! Destroyed by fatigue, but at least got to make some headway on an important creative project for the office. And that's a plus.
1b) Homemade chicken soup for breakfast. Om sniffle nom nom.
2) Internet Discoveries I: So, slouching about after my second nap, I discover these peppy, upbeat Tunes of Another Era: "My Sweet Tooth Says I Wanna (But My Wisdom Tooth Says No)" and "Who Taught You This? Who Taught You That?" I won't say they'd rouse a corpse, but they make keep me going until bedtime.
2a) Internet Discoveries II: Pocket, the new thingie that seems to be part of F*****x, suggests articles I might be interested in, and today one of them was about "elder orphans" planning for the future. And I'm thinking, "Oh mercy, I don't want to deal with this now," and I hear Scarlett O'Hara answer back "But I MUST think about it!"
3) There comes a time in the life of every favorite T-shirt when those tiny holes begin to form up around the shoulders, and you know that the material is finally aging. And it's a sad day, because it's a favorite T-shirt. There will be others, of course, but never that favorite T-shirt.