1) I am not exactly "greeting the dawn with a breathe of fire" today. Up since just after 6 AM, candlelight coffee and devotional, social media and the news. Now it's almost 8 AM, the sky is the palest purple-gray, and I'm still on the sofa reading and drinking coffee.
2) It's so boring and middle-aged to talk about sleep, and yet for the last weeks I have been so low energy . . . last night, no lie, in bed with the lights off just after 8:30, and only got up twice before 5:21 AM. I slept like the dead for four solid hours, and later it appears I fell asleep getting back into bed before I could pull the covers over me. Ridiculous! And in a way it's all I can think about.
3) The news: speculation on the reunification of Korea, Trump's blocking of the Democratic memo (he thought he could make people forget by waiting until Friday night . . . ), the death of John Gavin . . .