To be completely honest, the last couple weeks I have been looking at the hole more than the doughnut, but Thanksgiving was created to focus us on gratitude, and I do, in fact, have a lot to grateful for:
- I still have my health. Yeah, I have plantar fasciitis and an undisciplined diet, but I still have my health.
- I have people in my life who love and care for me, and for whom I love and care. I may be a bit of a space about keeping in touch, but I am aware constantly of goodwill directed my way. My family, friends old and new, old and young, close by or far away - where would I be by myself?
- I have a home that is a refuge. With rents what they are in this city now, I can't imagine what my situation might be if I hadn't been able to buy Maison Robaire in 2003. Being able to live here on my own has been a true blessing these last seven months.
- I still live in a country where I can live openly as a gay man. But it's clearer and clearer that it's going to be a fight to keep it that way.
- I work with wonderful people. My colleagues at ye Instytytte are just the gold standard. And I've heard enough in my life about workplace drama (and sometimes lived it) to know.
- I am able to live in a way that does not require me to own a car. it's a life goal not to own a car.
- I live in Boston. Hard to believe I first came to college here 35 years ago, but I can't imagine living anyplace else. I love this city! (As I age, though, and the ice gets slipperier every winter, the idea of the beach does appeal . . . )
This is absolutely an incomplete list but, like cream, these blessings rise to the top.