While you read this you must of course listen of The Song of the Moon from Rusalka.
1) Did you step out to see this evening’s super blue moon? Do it! In spite of the clouds, the perfection of the moon’s circle seemed specially emphasized. In the words of the late Addison DeWitt, “A dull cliché.” But there it is. I can only report what I see.
1a) Unsurprisingly, all my photos turned out badly.
2) We had The Arrow Book of Ghost Stories when I was a boy, and I’ve never forgotten “The Wonderful Cat of Cobbie Bean:” “Cobbie Bean, Cobbie Bean! When there is a ring around the moon, go to the hobblebush, and there wilt thee find happiness.”
2a) So there would be a ring around the moon tonight — but what the hell is a hobblebush, and why didn’t I plant one?
3) Luna is a fickle mistress, always changing. But when she is beautiful — round, gleaming, full of icy promise — she is a mysterious comfort.