1) Back from England, life goes on. Next week’s energy audit — I have to replace my HVAC system this summer — requires cleaning out the basement so that it’s possible even to approach the furnace. This morning I finally got started.
2) Things in the basement were deposited in haste, forgotten quickly, and encountered with delight, bewilderment, or frustration. Two hours work, though, resulted in greater order, and a great deal of trash. While there’s still a great deal more to do, the workmen will at least be able to get in there.
3) Among the ruins I found:
A garbage bag with three blazers and two sweaters. One of the latter made me say “I wondered what happened to that!”
Two missing boxes of Christmas ornaments, many of which were made by my grandmother.
Two or three pieces of broken china. Will I have to take up kintsugi this year?
A tabletop fountain I had wanted to bring back upstairs for some time.
A clock a friend presented to me at the Debutante Party in 1999.
Still packed in its box, the overhead light to Gramma’s piano.
Lots of kitchen things that had been brought down before the 2020 renovation and forgotten.
Curtain rods!
Odd bits left over from bathroom and kitchen renovations: a box of tile, a faucet, fragments of shelves and such like.
4) There will certainly be a yard sale later this year, so please stay tuned. Daddy wants to get some cash for his trash.