Saturday, 26 November -- The Study

1) Random autumnal entertainment has meant sweeping a lot of refuse and detritus. Taking up most of the space is a snowdrift of white plastic bags from the supermarket that delivers. The fact that I save them (to use instead of garbage bags), and the fact that I can’t use them up as quickly as they arrive, proves beyond any doubt that I have become my mother.

2) In addition, lots of junk mail to toss, all the Christmas cards I received last year, photos a friend took in Hawaii in 1996, a tornado of receipts and other chits from my trip to Spain and Malta, a Mother’s Day card a friend sent to me this year (who knew that I would be missing my own mother), and a slender sheaf of Lovely Notes from my ex-boyfriend.

3) On the useful end, at some point I tossed a few small-to-medium sized cardboard boxes in here, which will help a lot when sending Christmas gifts next month, which proves beyond any doubt that I have become my mother.