Thursday Morning, 8 April

1) Yesterday, waiting outside the Pru on Boylston Street to get in line for my first vaccine jab, I witnessed an interesting little street ballet between an older man and a younger woman. The former, a cabbie, took vigorous exception that the latter seemed to be parking her car within the zone designated for cabs. There were many expansive arm gestures and much walking back and forth — and in the woman’s case, much tossing of a fountain-style pony tail. He was very upset with her, but after awhile she was having none of it and stalked off to the mall. Unfortunately she had to return to her car to get her bag, which somehow required her to open a passenger door and her trunk. She would not engage with the cabbie. After her final departure, he called out “I hope you like your ticket!” and stalked off toward the Hynes . . . probably to drop a dime on her with a cop detailing the vaccination site. He came back looking defeated.

1a) Yes, I did get my first jab yesterday. Grateful for that.

2) My New Year’s resolution to complete ye Myrie Kyndo Tydying Yp by Memorial Day weekend is decidedly over deadline, but I forge ahead. Do you know there are something like 100 drawers in my home? Unexpected treasures include a $50 gift card, a 1974 uncirculated Eisenhower silver dollar given to me by my godparents for my 12th birthday, two Nutcracker staff pins from the Pastel Prison, and a St. Jude medal someone gave me in the 1990s — among much else!

2a) But if I’m really going to have a yard sale in May, I need to hop to it.

3) The other thing is, I’m now just over one week into Dry April, an effort to reduce some girth before summer. This is inspired by several people from different parts of my life (who don’t know each other) who all did Dry January. As Karen Richards so memorably said in All About Eve, “Why, I said to myself, not?” What I find I miss most is the ritual of the five o’clock cocktail hour rather than the cocktail itself. But that, and a dramatic reduction in cheese consumption, sees me shedding pounds, and that makes me very happy.

3a) Since wine is called for in a couple recipes for this Saturday’s Dress Dinner challenge, I may toss back a glass with dinner on that one night.