The end of today marks three full weeks of kitchen renovation . . . and the work is still moving swiftly.
Today the floors were laid. I was wrong. There were not enough tiles to tile the pantry completely. So I had to rush order an additional box, which I hope will arrive by Thursday.
I do rather like how they look though. Bold! but also severe.
And I really do like this shade of blue. The crew asked how I wanted them laid out this morning, and I really preferred the grid style rather than staggered like bricks. This can remind me of the Armstrong tile floors at the old Dimmick Supply stores and Doyle’s without actually being Armstrong tile.
The plastic has now come down off the interior doors, so in theory I can wander in and out. But I prefer to keep a well-ventilated distance, as I can’t be sure they’re wearing masks when I’m out of view.
With the plastic down that also means dust, and I’m already seeing it on the new tile. Nothing a quick visit with a Swiffer can’t fix . . . I hope.
With arrival of appliances tomorrow, the contractor has expressed some concern about protecting the floors, and I agree. I sure don’t want to see any dents! But it will be a relief to have them all in house, and the old appliances carted away.