1) In the words of the late Noel Coward, “I went to a marvelous party . . . “ and it really was. But the combination of that third drink and my forgetten late-in-life cat allergy left me in a depleted state this morning, physically and emotionally.
1a) So no dance party tonight. But it’s wiser not to go.
2) Random domesticity, including trying to sort out a mountain of linens. Having emptied out the cedar chest (which the upstairs neighbors are taking to their new home at the end of May), I came across some lengths of muslin left over from the curtains made for the debutante party in January, 1992, back when I had that basement apartment on Beacon Street. I think I’ll comission an entire summer wardrobe from that and the dozens of old flour sacks from Gramma’s house.
3) For the last two days I just could not deal with national or international news. Call me selfish, the apocalypse is coming, but I can’t fucking deal with it.
4) After dinner at Doyle’s with Stalin (I can’t wait to finish this, it’s so terrifying), I was delighted and surprised to see this beautiful rainbow - and my house at the end of it! I so much want this to be a sign of hope, not just for me, but for everyone.