Friday Night, October 9 - My Hair is Fabulous

1) Being a webmaster has — how to put it? — given me many opportunities to practice Patience, as Mother would say. But it’s all in a good cause, and knowledge I can use later. If I don’t throw myself out a window.


2) For my first trip to the cemetery in several days I decided to search out Anne Sexton, fairly clearly marked on the map near department store magnate Eben Jordan. (I feel sure they never met.) And after a bit, I found her, with some interesting funerary offerings atop the family tomb.

2a) After the Big Blow earlier this week, I was sure there’d be more tree limbs down, and I was right. Most were already stacked up tidily by the cemetery staff, but one big honkin’ maple limb — the size of many young trees already — was prone on the ground having taken out a few gravestones.


2b) Notice how that glistening snow-white marble has weathered to gray-black over the decades! Moral: granite endures, dahling.

3) If you are not on board with how fabulous my hair is, then you are not on board, and there will be no lifelines thrown.
