1) Happiness. This was one of those very rare days that, when the alarm went off, I was happy to get out of bed and start the day. I got my Straw Hat Day post up - you’ve seen it, yes? - and was very pleased with it. I left the house for work grinning so wide I was nearly laughing. That never happens!
1a) The weather was much better than forecast, too.
1b) Wednesdays a former employee comes to the office to lead meditation at noon; today I made the time to go, and I was so glad I did.
2) Then I read the terrifying news from Alabama about their new abortion laws, and it just illustrated to me all over again why social conservatives should never be put in charge. Just look at the Prohibition era! The Women’s Christian Temperance Union and other crusaders got it all wrong. Drinking alcohol wasn’t the problem - alcoholism was! And the suffering that came out of it, and the alteration of American morals that was the reverse of what the crusaders wanted. I tremble to think what’s coming next.
2a) Daniel Okrent’s Last Call is such a colorful read on the subject. Find it. Read it. There’s a lot in there about how the conservatives organized - and how the Republicans repealed Prohibition.
3) This evening, seeing all the reactions to the photo I posted of Mother from last Christmas, reading the list of names. That really touched me.