1) It wasnt until I saw the date on the page - March 18 - that I remembered that today is Gramma’s birthday. Mercy, she’d be 118!
1a) Somewhere I have a bloodstone - her birthstone - not a family heirloom, just something I picked up at a store. Where is that?
2) On ye Fycebykke this morning two internet friends offered two different, thoughtful meditations on aging: one on health, the other on the progression of his life and its arrival at a state of contentment. They both sort of served as pieces of the puzzle I’m trying to put together right now, but I have no idea what the final picture will look like.
2a) This also ties into a tarot reading I did last night - the first in a long time, since before Mother died probably - which had a couple “wow!” moments in it. When I read I use the cross and staff layout: six cards form a cross, and four a staff to its right. Right next to each other at the bottom left of the cross, in the positions of the past and the outgoing influence, the King (reversed) and Queen of Pentacles: my parents. The other “wow!” thing was seeing both of what I call “the cards of the craftsman” appear: the Three of Pentacles (for the master craftsman) and the Eight of Pentacles (for the apprentice). I’d rather not saw where they showed up in the spread, but it provided a lot to think about. A lot.
3) RANT: Three important meetings today about engaging talent for three different events - and I had the worst night’s sleep in a very long time. This is due in no small part to towering frustration after 10 PM with ye stypidde yCloud. I will say this: when I had my little digital camera all I had to do was plug in the cable and the photos would upload to my computer, no trouble. NOW, with my beautiful new yPhyne, I can’t do that! I have to go through ye stypidde yCloud, so that every unscrupulous Ypple employee could access my stuff if they wanted. All I want is simplicity; all Ypple wants is to force me into an Ypple lifestyle they can monitor every blessed moment.
3a) And get off my lawn! I can’t yell at this cloud if you’re on my lawn! RANT OVER.