Tuesday, April 3

1) It's embarrassing, being sick this long. I got a reasonable amount of work done from home today, including three somewhat long conversations with three different volunteers, and it feels good to be getting work done. But damn, this has gone on long enough.

2) The second floor changed tenants last weekend, which means that the thunder of Little Feet over my head has ceased, and it's much quieter at home during the day than hitherto. #blessed

2a) But the third floor family remains, and when I stepped into the foyer this evening to get my mail, I heard a Tiny Voice two floors up asking "Who is dat?" Whereupon I responded long and low "Heeeellllllllllllooooooooooooooo," and two Tiny Voices called out "Rawbaw!" "Did you leave us the chocolate bunnies?" came the First Tiny Voice (Little Miss), which of course I had. We enjoyed a brief conversation, including their father who was on the landing with them.

3) Ferreting around for something to read over dinner down the street, I found my copy of Lost Horizon, which I hadn't opened in many years. The framing device seems to get eliminated in film adaptations. It's 1933 at Tempelhof Airport, and three middle-aged Englishmen who were all "at school together" are having dinner and realizing that they don't have a lot in common any more. A young pilot joins their party and lets drop some old gossip about a plane that went missing in India a couple years before. Later that prompts two of the old school chums to reminisce about Conway, the story's protagonist. And it transpires that one of the two found in the year before in a Chinese hospital and learned from Conway about Shangri-la, etc. etc. I love it.

3a) The prologue references Conway learning unpublished works of Chopin from one of his students living at Shangri-la, so I'm listening to Chopin tonight.