1) Doing my taxes myself for the first time in many years - and online for the first time - has concluded successfully, but not after a certain amount of frustration. The last big hurdle to cross was locating my 2016 return in order to file online (and why on earth should that even be necessary?!) - and where on earth were they? After Adventures in Paper (see next item), I randomly searched my email inbox for communications from the Nice Tax Man Who Is Now AWOL - and whaddya know, there's my 2016 return as a pdf. Thank goodness that's resolved!
1a) Adventures in Paper (this time around the search for my 2016 tax return) led to a couple tote bags in the study closet from who knows when, with everything that had to get swept off the dining room table before company came over. Mountains of stuff to be tossed out (old magazines, junk mail), but pleasant memories with 2016 Christmas cards, correspondence, and photos from Before Digital including Kauai 1996 and the 1985 family reunion in Atlanta.
2) Tonight is the Gibson House benefit at the Chilton Club, and Etiquetteer will be on hand to emcee and draw the raffle prizes. I love getting to do this - just wish the weather was nicer today.
3) Because murder is relaxing at times of stress, rereading the bloodiest of all Dashiell Hammett's novels, Red Harvest. I think about 23 people die violently in this Continental Op story of corruption in a mining town during Prohibition.