1) Yesterday the doctor asked me if I thought my face looked redder. "I think it looks older," I responded. But I've noted that for some time. Every sun spot, every bump, every tiny skin tag, every big bag. If I were sterling silver they'd be "character marks." LIke I need to be marked for people to know I'm a character? :-)
1a) I'm watching a lot of The Scarlet Empress these days. At one point the Empress Elizabeth says "You wouldn't think that once I had skin like velvet. Empress, bah! I haven't even the power to iron out a single wrinkle." NOT, I think that I'd go back in time. The rent may be cheaper in the past, but the only possible path is forward.
1b) I can certainly see more of my father in my face now, especially about the nose.
2) It's an active day at home this weekend, as the second floor changes tenants. No more the thunder of Tiny Feet overhead! The new tenants are three adults with no children, and I'm hoping for a quieter atmosphere.
3) This morning I started my devotional with the last chapters of Matthew, and observed that here the phrase was written "yielded up the ghost," as opposed to "gave up the ghost" in John.