1) Today is my unscheduled day this weekend, allowing freedom to create and keep house without the distraction of having to think about when to be where for what with whom. Aside from not being scheduled, I also have to accomplish something important by 11 AM to feel like the day has been productive. Usually I measure this by getting a column written. Alas, the most important thing I've been able to do today is get Etiquetteer's green carnation photo done and posted. Let's see what the rest of the day holds!
2) Insert whargarbl about backlash against the Parkland students here. I'm totally for the Parkland students, and I'm against the politicians who are calling them names, and I'm against the people suggesting that if they'd only been nicer to the shooter this wouldn't have happened.
3) I really don't want to let myself get distracted by the world today, but with a) a friend's report of the Russians hacking his Instygrym, b) the report of the Denver Post suffering even more staffing cuts by the hedge fund that owns it (and other failing newspapers around the US) making me fear for the future of journalism, c) M*Cabe's firing, d) and the British expulsion of Russian diplomats . . . WTF is our civilization coming to?!
3a) Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Where's my green beer?